Location: Flandreau Reservation, South Dakota
Land Area: 4 square miles
Tribal Enrollment: 736
Wind Class: 3 at 50 meters
Fun Fact: The Flandreau Reservation is located just 25 miles from Pipestone MN where red clay stone is quarried from a sacred site and often carved into traditional pipes.
Tribal Summary
The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe is comprised primarily of descendants of the Mdewakantonwan (Dwellers of Spirit Lake) and Wakpekute (Leaf Shooters) bands of the Dakota people of the Great Sioux Nation. They were a river-plains people who did some farming and buffalo hunting.
The Flandreau Reservation is the smallest reservation in South Dakota located in the city of Flandreau. Tribal lands are located along and near the Big Sioux River in Moody County, in a region known as the Prairie Coteau, and consists primarily of undulating or gently rolling land.