OSPA is Featured in Dakotafire Media

Lakota look to energy source that honors Mother Earth

By Wendy Royston September 15, 2015

Members of the eight Lakota tribes met at the Crow Creek Indian Reservation in central South Dakota to negotiate the Oceti Sakowin Power Authority charter in November. Courtesy photo

Unci Maka—or Mother Earth—is the giver of life in Lakota culture, so, naturally, protecting her is important to the Lakota people.

“If you harm the Earth, then you’re harming yourself,” said Lyle Jack, who was the development manager for the Oglala Sioux Tribe Office of Economic Development on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in western South Dakota until the department was defunded. “If the Earth is not doing well, then we cease to exist also. We’re all connected to each other. Whatever happens to Earth happens to us.”

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